Forge Youth Camp 2025

24 April, 2025 - 27 April, 2025

The Ignite Youth event of the year is here! Forge Youth Camp is back for 2025.

We're planning four huge days away on the Shoalhaven River - having fun, hanging out, watching the cows and getting to know God better. This year's talks ask the question "What Am I MADE FOR?". There are lots of ways you could answer the questions "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" but as we turn to the story of the Bible, we find answers that are solid, unchanging and transforming.

All are welcome and we can't wait so get excited and invite your friends along too!


  • How long do I have? Registrations will close Sunday March 23rd or when sold out.
  • How much does it cost? $370 for one child, $650 for two or $900 for three. All accomodation, food and activities are included. Payments are processed via direct debit at the time of registration.
  • Please don't let cost stop you. If your keen to go, but can't afford it, please send an email to for more info.
  • What do I need to bring? A pack list will be sent to the registered email closer to the date of camp.
  • Where is it? Pickup and drop off are from the Factory, Springwood. From there, we'll take buses down to the beautiful Waterslea on the Shoalhaven River. The Youthworks Campsite there is fully catered with delicious food, has thoughtfully laid-out cabins, a good hall for sessions, as well as great views and space for activities. 
  • Will my kids be safe? We have a fantastic team of dedicated leaders all trained in Safe Ministry. When we go away, we try to bring at least one leader for every 5 teenagers we take, including houseparents at a different stage of life. Although we can never guarantee safety, we try to take all relevant precautions.
  • I have a different question Please send any enquiries, concerns or questions to our youth minister at

To register, scroll down (past the map) and select the number of tickets. The form will appear below. 

  • Forge Ticket
